Privacy statement

Should there be any inconsistency between this data protection statement and any other applicable contract or the general terms and conditions of Magnat-Suisse, the provisions of this data protection statement will prevail. Data protection is a matter of trust, and your trust is important to us. We respect your personality and privacy. We also want to make sure that your personal data are protected and processed in accordance with the law.

It is important to us that you agree to your personal data being processed. In this privacy statement we will provide you with comprehensive information about the data processing methods we use. And you then decide whether you wish your personal data to be processed.

This privacy statement covers both historical and future personal data. If you agree to your data being processed, we will process not only personal data collected by you in the future in accordance with this privacy statement, but also your personal data that we already have on file.

When we refer in this privacy statement to the processing of your personal data, we mean any form of handling of your personal data. This includes, for example:

  • the collection,
  • storage,
  • management,
  • use,
  • transmission,
  • disclosure or
  • deletion of your personal data.

We collect personal data so that we can offer our customers better services. We firmly believe that if our activities are geared to the wishes and needs of our customers that should make the tasks of daily life easier for you. Better services may include

  • Optimisation of our store locations, so that these are always close to where you are
  • Gearing the product assortment to customer requirements
  • Personalisation of customer communication, so that you will find offers which match your wishes and receive less advertising overall
  • Simplification of procedures such as purchases or bookings, so that you reach your goal more quickly